Commemorating One Year Since Daddy’s Passing
One year ago today, Cesar, his team and fans around the world mourned the passing of one of the most loyal, trusting, well-balanced, and influential pit bull ambassadors the world has ever known. He was a trusted partner and dedicated friend, and his legacy will forever be remembered.
“I am blessed to have had such an inspiration in my life who bettered the lives of others every day,” Cesar says. “Daddy’s memory lives on in me, in Junior, in the Pack, and in all of the lives he touched, bringing balance to so many dogs and being a true teacher for so many.”
Since his passing, many have reached out with their condolences, kind words, and gifts. One recent gift includes artist Mr. G’s impressive spray painted portrait of Daddy(read the full story here ). Check out Mr. G’s video on the creation of the piece:
(NEW) Mr G - Amazing Aerosol Artist - "Daddy" Tribute Portrait from Graham Hoete on Vimeo.
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